We have recently completed our first unit on addition concepts. The children have developed a strong foundation for addition that we will continue to build on throughout the year. At this time in the year our children should be able to add fluently within 10.
As we work through chapter two we will follow a similar sequence to learn about subtraction concepts. The following concepts will be taught:
- Subtraction number stories
- Subtracting 0 and all
- Vertical subtraction
- Drawing a diagram to problem solve
- Comparing groups
- Subtracting from 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
- Relating addition and subtraction
- True and false statements
How can you help your child at home?
- Work with your child on their homework each night. The math homework follows exactly what is taught in class each day.
- Log into ConnectED for online student games that reinforce daily concepts. (ConnectED login information was sent home at Parent Night and can be found on our classroom website.)
- Reinforce the skills each night through homework. ConnectED also has homework help, videos, and a copy of the student journal to illustrate what was completed in class.
- Use the unit letter that includes a game, vocabulary words, and additional resources at the start of each unit.
- Log onto Reflex Math at home to build fact fluency. (Reflex login information was sent home at Parent Night and can be found on our classroom website.)
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