Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Our current math unit is all about geometry. Last week we focused on basic shapes: squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, trapezoids, hexagons, and rhombuses. We discussed the defining characteristics of each shape and how we could classify the shapes into different categories. We used our knowledge of these shapes to play a new game called "What's My Design?"  Our 1st graders sat across from a partner with a privacy folder separating them. One friend made a design and could then use only shape and positional words to describe their design to their partner who attempted to mimic the design.  The children soon discovered the importance of giving very precise directions. You can play this game at home with shape blocks or cutouts. Need a challenge? Take away the manipulatives and have your child draw the shapes in their design by hand. 

We concluded our week with an introduction to polygons. By analyzing examples and non-examples of polygons we generated a list of characteristics to define a polygon. 
  1. Straight sides
  2. Closed figure
  3. All sides connect (No intersecting lines)
We used the analogy that if a pet were placed in the center of the polygon it should act as a fence and the pet would not be able to escape. We then created our own polygons with straws and twist-ties. (We even had a special guest with us!)

As the April showers bring May flowers, make a rainy day more exciting by taking out some straws and twist-ties and constructing polygons!

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