Monday, February 10, 2014

Upcoming Events

As a classroom incentive for positive behavior our 1st graders brainstorm rewards that they would like to earn, and we vote on one to spell.  At any point throughout the day when the whole class is doing an exceptional job, they will earn a letter toward their reward.  So far this year we have earned a C-L-A-S-S  P-E-T and an I-C-E  C-R-E-A-M party.  This past Friday we earned a S-T-U-F-F-E-D  A-N-I-M-A-L day where the children were able to bring in a buddy to spend the day with them!  We'll see what reward the children come up with to earn next. 

This week will be a fun week for the children as we celebrate President's Day, Valentine's Day, and our 100th Day of School!  Don't forget the following:

Wednesday: 100th Day of School - Dress up like you are 100 years old!

Friday: Valentine's Day - Bring in valentines for classmates.